Department Overview:

The Federal Programs Department overseas the administration of consolidated federal grants authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1964. These grants work within the District’s Multi-Tiered Systems of Support to promote the success of schools and students who face unique challenges to learning including economic disadvantages, homelessness, migratory lifestyles and learning English as a second language.

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act

You may view Kuspuk School District's ARP Plan below. Public comments may be sent to Madeline Aguillard


2022/2023 KSD COVID Mitigation Plan

Kuspuk School District American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Mitigation Plan Template

2022/2023 KSD COVID Mitigation Plan

Consolidated Grant

Before submitting the ESEA Consolidated Application, Kuspuk School District provides a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the proposed use of funds (application) and considers all comments.

Each Spring, KSD holds a Grants Committee. Initial announcement of date and time will be in the Spring Federal Programs Board Report, posted at the local post offices, posted at the local stores, and posted online.

The Indian Education, Consolidated, & School Improvement Grants meeting was held on May 6, 2021. This was a public meeting for KSD to provide an update on the use of Indian Ed, Consolidated, and School Improvement funds and planning for the next grant cycles. During the meeting it was discussed that the list of needs would also be examined for possible funding through ARP. District leadership will determine the order of grant utilization based on the timelines by which they expire, beginning with the funds set to expire the soonest.

ESEAConsolidated Application Development District Plan.pdf

Title IA - District Parent & Family Engagement Plan

Kuspuk School District has a family involvement plan that was written with parents, given to parents, and is part of KSD's ESEA plan. A copy of the plan can be found below

KSD Parent and Family Engagement Policy.pdf

Title IA - School Parent & Family Engagement Plans

Each of our schools has a written family involvement plan that was developed with and distributed to families that describes family engagement at each school. Questions? Contact your school principal.

You can view each plan below:

Title IA - Assessments

Every fall Kuspuk School District sends a letter home with each student that tells how the student achieved on the state assessments and notifies parents that they may request information about State or District policies regarding student participation on assessments which includes a parental right to opt out, where applicable.