Ben Hoeldt
Itinerant Computer Tech
Emily Vanderpool
Curriculum and Instruction Director
Jason Ward
Maintenance Foreman
Jeromy Hoeldt
Director of Maintenance
Mary Hoffman
Pete Vraspir
Technology Director

No staff currently listed.
This site is being updated prior to the beginning of the school year.

No staff currently listed.
This site is being updated prior to the beginning of the school year.

No staff currently listed.
This site is being updated prior to the beginning of the school year.

Arbeth Babiano
Social Studies Teacher
Danny Ausdahl
Bus Driver
Granville Labaco
Science Teacher
James Gregory
School Cook
Joe Escobar
Josel Lim
Math Teacher / Science Teacher
Joseph Sigurdson
Language Arts Teacher
Josh Pittsenbarger
Vocational Education Teacher
Julia Dorris
Cultural Teacher
Margaret Mute
School Secretary
Mark Ausdahl
Mary Macar
Instructional Aide
Severin Gardner
Susan Macy
Special Education Teacher

No staff currently listed.
This site is being updated prior to the beginning of the school year.

No staff currently listed.
This site is being updated prior to the beginning of the school year.

No staff currently listed.
This site is being updated prior to the beginning of the school year.

Abiegail Parker
2nd Grade Teacher
Angie Pittsenbarger
Instructional Aide
Bridget Maddeford
Kindergarten Teacher
Dale Ebcas
Special Education Teacher
Danny Ausdahl
Bus Driver
Dina Samuelson
School Cook
Elena Levi
School Secretary
Janie Escobar
1st Grade Teacher
Joe Escobar
Katherine Wise
Instructional Aide
Mark Ausdahl
Maybelle Hoffman
Pre-School Teacher
Polle Evan
Instructional Aide
Rebecca Savage
Instructional Aide
Severin Gardner